Mobilise your ‘A’ team - You can, adopt a freelance model
So many arts & creative projects are set on the foundations of effective collaboration: with people celebrated for the gifts they bring, while project directors weave a colourful tapestry of contributors, based on talents & strengths
Often fuelled from a freelance pool, these teams when successful are forged quickly. Expectations clear. Outcomes productive. It’s a known & trusted formula: a ‘no brainer’ for a seasoned arts producer. Working together well is a base line expectation of the creative industries….
In teaching the business side of the arts now for a decade, after 25 years of producing high profile events …. it’s clear to me that the creative sector has something to teach the business sector, with respect to ‘collaboration’ driven by a singular clearly documented vision
Here’s a great article that spoke to me on the topic Problems with Freelancers
If you’re looking to build a trusted team, of out of house contractors, that can be called upon, to supplement your work force – give us a call Offload Now
Lets explore what we can bring to your business management mix….