Maintaining YOUR Vision

Maintaining a clear link to your dreams, hopes & desires – takes work! With life pulling us in different directions, our days can be full of distractions taking us away from remaining truly aligned with what we want, our purpose & our passion


Why bother?

The clearer we are, regarding what we’re working towards & our goals ….the more this can inform our everyday decisions & our ability to assess options, as well as directing: how we adjust our priorities. Applying this to small everyday choices, can assist us in staying on track & bring us closer to the objectives, we’ve set for ourselves


Here are some daily practices, we think work:

Habits that can assist you to maintain your intentions, that are mindful & meaningful.


  • Be clear about what you want

  • Keep it simple

  • Create & then focus on a positive picture of this

  • Incorporate meditation or simply allow time to day dream


  • State your intentions often [invite safe others into your vision to give it weight]

  • Choose the options that may provide a stepping stone towards your vision

  • Align actions with intentions

  • Practice persistence & patience

  • Reflect & adjust often - or as needed


Or if you just want to reflect or think differently about adjusting your direction: James Clear provides a reboot in his book - Atomic Habits. A way to rethink how you get started, keep going & get it done. His focus is more about setting a trajectory than a goal. Celebrating the small steps & enjoying the journey. 


“Anytime in my life when I have managed to go from a vision to a reality, the vision has not been a plan but a practice. 

In other words, what matters is not having a vision, but rather making a habit of returning to and revising the vision.

For the big things in my life, I'm always coming back to them week after week - sometimes day after day. As new information arrives, the vision gets updated.

The dream becomes more crystallized over time.

It's a habit of thinking about where you want to go with an ever-increasing degree of clarity. 

You do not need a vision, you need the practice of envisioning.”

James Clear | Atomic Habits

A good read if you suffer from perfectionism, that can leave you with inertia …. this book can provide some hope on the horizon & get you moving.


Or do you want more support to realise your ambitions?


We can help you create a step by step plan, to help guide you through your goals or complex projects, that may seem impossible at the onset. Clarifying your objectives, planning a pathway, organising a timeline & mobilising resources, all in the mix.

Book a FREE initial discussion to explore how we can support your ambitions


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